In a Washington Lawyer article about the UN Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen, Van Ness Feldman's Kyle Danish is quoted serveral times regarding conference discussions. In reference to the question of clean up he says, "On the one hand, developing countries will say that they did not create this problem and are just in the early stages of their development. At the same time, there's just a mathematical reality that without significant action from developing countries, we won't be able to get there. Developing countries' emissions have surpassed developed countries' emissions. Their efforts are needed."
Washington Lawyer also makes mention of "Carbon Taxes Are Fine, but a Cap-and-Trad Program Is Better," an article co-authored by Van Ness Feldman's Megan Ceronsky and Mr. Danish. The article, which makes the argument for an emissions trading system, appeared in the March/Arpril 2009 issue of Trends.