
Successful Policy Development in an Ever-Changing Environment

December 10, 2018

, Environmental Law Institute, Washington, DC

Join Gwen Keyes Fleming as she leads an ELI panel discussion featuring experts in policy development discussing the most effective methods to finding paths forward to successful policy development in ever-changing environment.

From ELI's website: 

In the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic, The King & I, Yule Brenner, as the King Mongkut of Siam, famously proclaims:  “Let it be written.  Let it be done” whenever he elects to advance his edicts. While policy makers with bold and aggressive ideas may lament that life does not imitate art, the reality is that in a democratic society there are multiple layers of rules of engagement including legislative, regulatory, state, local and community based activities that shepherd the process and govern outcome of a successful policy development initiatives. Specifically, Administrative Procedure Act (APA) provisions, environmental justice considerations and cooperative federalism principles with state partners create an obstacle course of both required and recommended actions that savvy policy makers must deftly navigate in order to achieve sustainable change. Add in the desire to provide certainty to guide long-term business decisions while providing flexibility for ever advancing technology to improve data collection and analysis and policy development becomes a multi-level game of chess. In short, successful policy development is much more than an academic or dictatorial exercise of achieving an ideal. It involves challenges of accounting for and meshing the differing opinions of stakeholder groups and identifying pragmatic ways to implement change that affects real people and businesses.

For more information and to register, please visit ELI's website. 

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