Pipeline Rate Case Representations

Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP

  • Working on an ongoing basis with Boardwalk pipelines, Gulf South and Texas Gas Transmission in particular, to provide counsel with regard to rate issues

Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. (RP12-1021)

  • Pre-filed settlement
  • Not required by prior settlement
  • Developed capital cost recovery mechanism to fund, through an additive rate, pipeline infrastructure modernization program without the need for multiple rate cases

Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. (RP11-1435)

  • Pipeline’s first general rate case in thirteen years
  • Major rate structure redesign
  • New services and non-rate tariff modifications - supported client through technical conference
  • Assisted with responding to discovery requests and filing supplemental testimony
  • Settlement reached with FERC staff and all but one shipper; FERC approved settlement and severed shipper to litigate; after multiple discovery disputes before the ALJ, the shipper was sanctioned and then signed on to the settlement

Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP (RP06-417; RP11-2136/RP11-2137)

  • Assisted Dominion in two consecutive Section 4 rate proceedings that included non-rate tariff changes
  • Developed strategy, managed discovery
  • Helped the client reach an uncontested settlement with FERC staff and all active parties in both cases

Gulf South Pipeline Co., LP (CP07-32)

  • Represented client in rate-setting issues in relation to the Southeast Expansion project
  • Case was successfully litigated and project was put into service in 2008

Kinder Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC (RP11-1494)

  • Assisted client in response to a FERC-initiated NGA Section 5 rate investigation
  • Successfully assisted the client in negotiating a favorable resolution of all issues through settlement

MoGas Pipeline LLC (RP09-791)

  • Assisted client in first general rate case post-certificate
  • Managed discovery including multiple discovery disputes before the ALJ
  • Reached settlement with all parties

Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America (RP10-147)

  • Assisted in responding to a FERC-initiated NGA Section 5 rate investigation
  • One of the lead law firms in this complex case advising the client on overall litigation and settlement strategy and in negotiating a favorable uncontested offer of settlement that was approved by the FERC

Southern Natural Gas Company (RP13-886)

  • Developed a strategy that resulted in a pre-filing settlement with all shippers in satisfaction of Southern’s obligation to file a rate case under a prior settlement that was approved by the FERC

Texas Gas Transmission, LLC (RP05-317)

  • Provided comprehensive legal and regulatory counseling on rate case strategy and expert testimony
  • The case was settled without a “come back” rate case requirement

Trailblazer Pipeline Company (RP03-162)

  • Section 4 resulting in a settlement with FERC staff and most parties and which severed the interests of those parties that would not settle
  • Litigated before ALJ and the initial decision would have resulted in a rate higher than the rate filed by the pipeline; following that decision, the severed parties became settling parties

Trailblazer Pipeline Company (RP10-492)

  • Developed a strategy that resulted in a pre-filing settlement with all shippers in satisfaction of Trailblazer’s obligation to file a rate case under its prior settlement
  • The settlement was accepted promptly by the FERC

Trailblazer Pipeline Company (RP13-1031)

  • Providing comprehensive legal and regulatory counseling on rate case strategy and litigation management in ongoing General NGA Section 4 rate case; settlement talks anticipated to commence mid-November 2014

WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. (RP14-118)

  • Representing client in first general NGA Section 4 rate case filed in 13 years
  • Developed strategy for rate case theme and provided counseling on expert testimony
  • Will manage discovery and related negotiations

Wyoming Interstate Company, LLC (RP13-184)

  • Represented client in an NGA Section 5 proceeding initiated by the FERC that resulted in uncontested settlement of all issues raised in complaint