
Energy in California

September 15, 2014 - September 16, 2014

Law Seminars International

, San Francisco Marriott Union Square, San Francisco, CA

Evan Reese will be presenting a federal regulatory and legislative update concerning California's energy sector at this year's 16th annual Energy in California conference. 

The conference explores a number of cutting-edge areas and brings both practical advice and up-to-date information on recent developments in emerging areas such as energy storage and integrating renewable resources through capacity markets. Conference participants will hear from seasoned practitioners and senior agency staff and will receive the latest information on developments at the California Public Utilities Commission and California Air Resources Board. The conference will also explore new trends in distributed generation and micro-grids. We will hear about climate change and California's water supply planning and learn about potential impacts on hydropower generation. 

For more information and to register, please visit Law Seminar International's website.

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