Some of our recent representations in the utilities industry include:
- Advised a Pacific Northwest utility on a request for a FERC declaratory order regarding the proper classification of locational exchanges under the OATT.
- Conducted employee training on FERC’s rules prohibiting market manipulation, Standards of Conduct, and EQR requirements.
- Provided ongoing strategic advice and regulatory counsel to a large integrated utility in the Northeast on its participation in three organized markets.
- Provided strategic counsel for parties commenting on FERC’s Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation NOPR.
- Successfully defended clients in FERC litigation against alleged violations of market-based rate quarterly reporting requirements.
- Successfully defended a Midwest utility group in related state court and FERC litigation, resulting in a favorable settlement.
- Helped several clients with settlement negotiations to resolve market-wide refund litigation.
- Advised an investor-owned utility in the Pacific Northwest regarding proposed tariff changes necessary to integrate intermittent renewables.
- Served as federal environmental counsel to a 765 kv transmission project addressing NEPA review and associated permitting issues.