In Central Iowa Power Cooperative v. Midwest Independent System Operator, Inc. and Resale Power Group of Iowa, Van Ness Feldman filed a FERC complaint under FPA § 205 on behalf of RPGI, an association of municipal utilities, and WPPI Energy, a municipal joint action agency, against IPL and ITC Midwest. The case concerned charges for transmission service provided to RPGI under the tariff of MISO on facilities owned by Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO), a non-jurisdictional rural electric cooperative. The complaint was formulated as part of its strategy related to its concurrent representation of RPGI (as a defendant) in a related Iowa state court action, in which CIPCO sought damages exceeding $40 million in transmission charges from RPGI and MISO for allegedly unauthorized transmission provided by MISO to RPGI over integrated transmission facilities.
The Commission granted the Complaint in part and referred the dispute to a settlement judge. After extensive settlement negotiations, the parties reached an uncontested settlement that resolved significant issues concerning the integration of municipal and investor-owned transmission systems.